
Whether very sick people should be helped to end their own lives is a question (which) many people cannot answer.


That he has done this more than twenty times is known to everyone.


Some say (that) what he is doing is immoral.


Others say (that) what he is doing is merciful.


Whether Dr. Kevorkian should be allowed to continue doing this is a real problem for the government.

對於政府來說, 是否應該繼續讓凱渥肯醫生結束病人的生命真的是個問題。

上列句中, "whether very sick people should... lives""that he has done this more than twenty times""(that) what he is doing is immoral""(that) what he is doing is merciful""whether Dr. Kevorkian should...this"均為名詞子句, 其中"(that) what he is doing is immoral""(that) what he is doing is merciful"因作及物動詞say的受詞, that可省略。以下為名詞子句的種類及其功能。


1. 名詞子句的形成

名詞子句一共有三種: that引導的名詞子句、whether引導的名詞子句、疑問詞 (whatwhenwhyhowwhere...) 引導的名詞子句。


a. that引導的名詞子句:

此種子句乃由陳述句變化而成; 我們在陳述句之前冠以that即成名詞子句。

: He doesn't like music.


 →that he doesn't like music



b. whether (是否) 引導的名詞子句:

此種子句乃由一般疑問句 (即可用YesNo回答的問句) 變化而成。在一般疑問句前冠以whether, 原倒裝的句子結構還原成不倒裝的型態即成名詞子句。


1) 問句有be動詞時:

 主詞與be動詞還原, 前面冠以whether

: Is she beautiful?


 →whether she is beautiful



2) 問句有一般助動詞 (canwillmayshouldmusthave) , 主詞與助動詞還原, 前面冠以whether

: Should I tell the truth?


 →whether I should tell the truth


 Have you been to Thailand?


 →whether you have been to Thailand



3) 問句有dodoesdid等助動詞時:

此種助動詞引導的疑問句變成名詞子句時, 前面先冠以whether, 次將dodoesdid去除, 句中的原形動詞再按主詞人稱和時態作變化。

: Do you like it?


 →whether you like it


 Does she like it?


 →whether she likes it


 Did he go there?


 →whether he went there



c. 疑問詞引導的名詞子句:

此種子句乃由疑問詞 (whatwherewhenwhyhowwhowhomwhichwhose) 引導的特殊疑問句 (即不能用YesNo回答的問句) 變化而成。我們保留原疑問詞, 原來倒裝的句子結構還原成不倒裝的型態即成名詞子句。


1) 問句有be動詞時:

主詞與be動詞還原, 前面保留疑問詞。

: What is he doing?


 →what he is doing



2) 問句有一般助動詞時:

主詞與助動詞還原, 前面保留疑問詞。

: Where can I find it?


 →where I can find it



3) 問句有dodoesdid等助動詞時:

此種疑問句變成名詞子句時, 先保留句首的疑問詞, 再將dodoesdid去掉, 其後的原形動詞則按主詞人稱及時態作變化。

: Why do you say that?


 →why you say that


 When did she leave?


 →when she left




在特殊疑問句中, 疑問代名詞whowhatwhich作主詞, 則變成名詞子句時, 句子結構不變。

: Who did it?



 →who did it


 What happened yesterday?



 →what happened yesterday


 Which was chosen?



 →which was chosen



2. 名詞子句的功能

名詞子句與名詞一樣, 在句中可作主詞、受詞, 或置於be動詞後作主詞補語。


a. 作主詞

: That honesty is the best policy is a proverb (which) we should


 always keep in mind.


 Whether he can do it remains to be seen.



 Where he lives is still in doubt.





名詞子句作主詞時, 往往會形成主詞過大的現象, 因此可用虛主詞it代替, 置於句首, 而被代替的名詞子句則置於句尾。故上列例句亦可寫成:

  It is a proverb we should always keep in mind that honesty is the best policy.

  It remains to be seen whether he can do it.

  It is still in doubt where he lives.


b. 作受詞


: I know that he will go abroad in the near future.

     及物動詞           受詞


 I wonder whether he has finished the work yet.

     及物動詞           受詞


 I don't know how he'll handle it.

            及物動詞    受詞




1) that引導的名詞子句作及物動詞的受詞時, that可予以省略。

: I know that he will go abroad in the near future.

 = I know he will go abroad in the near future.


2) whether引導的名詞子句作及物動詞的受詞時, whether可用if取代, if仍譯為『是否』, 而非『如果』。

: I wonder whether he has finished the work yet.

 = I wonder if he has finished the work yet.



1) 此時僅能用whether或疑問詞引導的名詞子句作受詞。that引導的名詞子句不可直接作介詞的受詞。

: I am worried about whether he can do it.

                    介詞       受詞


 I am unsure of how he'll cope with the problem.

                   介詞          受詞



2) 遇有介詞, 且非要使用that子句作受詞時, 其補救方法如下:


a) 介詞 + the fact + that子句

 如此一來, 就可用the fact作介詞的受詞, that子句就成了the fact的同位語。

: I am worried about that he doesn't study. ()

                      介詞      受詞

 →I am worried about the fact that he doesn't study. ()

                 介詞    受詞      同位語



b) be動詞 + 形容詞 + that子句

也就是去掉介詞, that子句置於形容詞後面, 使that子句成為副詞子句, 修飾該形容詞。

: I am sure of that the team won the game. ()

 →I am sure that the team won the game. ()

          形容詞      副詞子句


 I am worried about that he plays around all day. ()

 →I am worried that he plays around all day. ()

               形容詞        副詞子句




: The truth is that nobody really cares what you do.

                   主詞 補語


 The question is whether the project is worth doing.

                       主詞 補詞


 The problem is how it should be done.

                  主詞 補詞


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