本課介紹"it is + 表『有必要的』形容詞 + that子句"的用法。

So it is important that you should think before you say or do anything.

=So it is important that you should think before you say or do anything.

因此, 在你說或做任何事之前先想一下是很重要的。

上列句中的important為形容詞, 表『有必要的』, 此類表『有必要的』形容詞用於"It is + 此類形容詞 + that子句"之句構中時, that子句中須使用助動詞should, should常予以省略, 而直接接原形動詞。常見的此類形容詞計有下列數個:


It is

important (重要的)

imperative (有必要的)

necessary (有必要的)

essential (有必要的)

urgent (極重要的)

desirable (合乎理想的)

advisable (適當的)

+ that + 主詞 + (should) + 原形動詞


: It is imperative that Carlos (should) get married before his girlfriend changes her mind.


 It is essential that the nurses (should) learn to be patient.


EX english 數位英語學院