1. stand vt. 忍受, 忍耐
stand + 名詞/動名詞  忍受……
cannot stand to + 原形動詞  受不了……
= cannot stand + 動名詞
例:I can't stand nosy people.
*nosy a. 好管閒事的
Rosy can't stand waiting for a bus in the rain.
Daisy can't stand to see children cry.
2. mean a. 小氣的; 很凶的
例:That rich woman is so mean that she hates to part with a single dollar.
*part with...  與……分離
That mean teacher loves to punish his students.
3. highway robbery 攔路打劫
highway n. (高速) 公路
robbery n. 搶劫, 掠奪
rob vt. 搶劫, 掠奪
本文中使用"highway robbery"乃誇張語, 因文中服務生的行為宛如『強盜在公路搶劫來往旅行者大量財物』, 故用來比喻『索價過高』, 和中文的『敲竹槓』很類似。
例:There's a robbery committed every day in that area.
The teenagers robbed a convenience store.
4. Never mind. 算了。沒關係。    
= Forget it.
例:Tina: I'm sorry. I forgot to call you last night.
Jim: Never mind.
5. mop vt. 用拖把擦 (mop亦可作名詞, 表『拖把』) 
例:The janitor mops the staircase every day.
*staircase n. 樓梯間

EX english 數位英語學院