本課介紹副詞almost的用法, 以及介紹名詞answer與介詞to並用, "so...that..." (如此……以致於……) 的用法。

Pollution is a big problem in almost all the big cities of the world.


almost (幾乎) 用來修飾形容詞或副詞時, 這些形容詞或副詞必須是具有完全性概念的詞類, 故形容詞如all (全部)every (每一個)any (任一)no (沒有) 等字均可與almost並用, 但無almost many (幾乎許多)almost most (幾乎大部分)的用法, manymost所表示的並非完全性的概念, 故不可造出下列的句子:

: Almost many sailors are good swimmers. ()

 →Almost all sailors are good swimmers. ()


 Almost every school has a basketball court.



They are sure that they have found the answer to the problem.


在英文中, 有些名詞後面固定要與介詞to並用, 主要是因為此類名詞通常表示『針對』後者具有開啟的作用, 故介詞要用to。常見此類名詞有keyroadanswersolution等。

the key of the room ()

the key to the room  房間的鑰匙

the key of success ()

the key to success  成功之鑰, 成功的祕訣

the road of victory ()

the road to victory  勝利之路

the answer of the question ()

the answer to the question  問題的答案

the answer/solution of the problem ()

the answer/solution to the problem  問題的解決方法


: Hard work is the key of success. ()

 →Hard work is the key to success. ()


 Only one student knew the answer of the question. ()

 →Only one student knew the answer to the question. ()



This method is so successful that other countries are thinking of doing the same.

本句使用了"so...that..." (如此……以致於……) 的句構, 在此句構中, so是副詞, 譯成『如此』, 故其後須置形容詞或副詞以供修飾; that則為副詞連接詞, 譯成『以致』, 其所引導的副詞子句修飾其前的so。相同用法的句構尚有"such...that...", 但由於such是形容詞, 故其後只能接名詞。

so + adj./adv. + that子句  如此……以致於……

such + /複數名詞 + that子句  如此……以致於……


: It's so hot in summer that we can't do without an air conditioner.


  *air conditioner n. 空氣調節機, 冷氣機

  The teacher spoke so fast that I couldn't understand what he was saying.


 He is such a genius that he doesn't have to study much for exams.


 They are such good basketball players that everybody wants to watch their games.


EX english 數位英語學院