Smile, Everybody!
When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you. These are the words taken from an old song. These words must have given Tomoji Kondo a bright idea. He started smiling classes. Now, they're all over Japan. People from all walks of life , aged 20 to 83, attend these classes.
As you enter the class, you must shout out, "Konbanwa!" (Good evening!) as loudly and cheerfully as possible. Then you're supposed to make direct eye contact and smile as you shake hands with your classmates. No bowing is necessary. Laughing is not allowed, either. According to Kondo, smiling immediately makes you feel better. Sound like a good idea? Why not give it a try?
你踏進教室時,必須盡可能大聲而愉快地喊"Konbanwa!" (日語的『晚上好!』)。接著,你和同學握手時,應該面帶微笑地注視著對方。你不需要鞠躬,也不准笑出聲來。根據近藤先生的說法,微笑可以立即使你心情舒暢。這主意聽起來很不錯吧?何不試試看呢?
EX english 數位英語學院