1. quit cold turkey  斷然戒煙/毒
在上述片語中, quit為不及物動詞, 表『戒除』之意; "cold turkey"原為名詞, 指『冷火雞』, 在此則作副詞用, 表示『斷然地』或『一次徹底地』, 因此本片語乃表示『一次徹底戒除煙毒, 而不採漸進方式』, 此種戒毒方式極其痛苦, 身體常會打寒顫並起雞皮疙瘩, 故稱之為"quit cold turkey"。
例:Trying to quit smoking slowly doesn't work. You've got to quit cold turkey.
2. promise  vt. 允諾 &  n. 諾言
promise (+ 人) + that子句  答應 (某人) 做…
=promise (+ 人) + to + 原形動詞
make a promise to + 原形動詞  答應做……
例:Andy promised his teacher that he wouldn't cut class again.
Bob made a promise to be on time for work in the future.
3. 本文:
I really want to except that...  我真的想要戒煙, 但……
=I really want to give up smoking except that...
*此處except 是介詞, 與that並用形成except that時, 可視為連接詞, 表『只不過是、只可惜』之意。
4. nervous  a. 緊張的
例:The nervous tennis player eventually lost the game.
5. can't help + 動名詞  禁不住/忍不住……
=can't resist + 動名詞
=can't help but + 原形動詞
*resist  vt. 抗拒
例:My sister can't help biting her fingernails when she gets nervous.
=My sister can't resist biting her fingernails when she gets nervous.
=My sister can't help but bite her fingernails when she gets nervous.
6. excuse  n. 藉口
例:Sam had no excuse for failing the exam.
7. chewing gum  n. 口香糖 (不可數)
a piece/stick of chewing gum  一片口香糖
a pack of chewing gum  一包口香糖
8. bite  vt. 咬
動詞三態: bite、bit 、bitten 。
例:A snake bit the camper's foot.
9. fingernail  n. 指甲
10. meditation  n. 打坐; 冥想
meditate  vi. 打坐; 冥想
例:Meditation can help ease one's mind.
John meditates for twenty minutes before he goes to bed every day.
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