1. How do/does/did + 人 + like + 事?  某人覺得某事如何?
=How do/does/did + 人 + feel about + 事?
=What do/does/did + 人 + think of + 事?
a.本片語常用於詢問對方之看法, 例如: 和朋友一起去看電影後, 你可以問對方:
How do you like this movie?
How do you think of this movie? (╳)
What do you think of this movie? (○)
=How do you like this movie?
=How do you feel about this movie?
2. 本文:
How did you like the fight, Sally?
=How did you feel about the fight, Sally?
=What did you think of the fight, Sally?
妳覺得這場格鬥怎樣, 莎莉?
3. brutal  a. 殘忍的, 不人道的
例:It was the most brutal murder I've ever seen.
*murder  n. 謀殺案
4. amazing  a. 令人訝異的
amazed  a. (感到) 訝異的
be amazed at...  對……感到訝異
例:John can eat an amazing amount of food.
I was amazed at the teacher's lack of patience.
5. punching  n. 拳打 (動名詞作名詞用, 不可數)
punch   vt. 用拳打 & n. 拳打
例:Tom punched his brother for stealing his girlfriend.
The old woman gave the burglar a punch in the face.
*burglar   n. 竊賊
6. kicking n. 踢 (動名詞作名詞用, 不可數)
kick  vt. & n. 踢 (可數)
例:The horse kicked Barney in the backside.
*backside n. 臀部
One kick from a kung fu master could kill you.
*kung fu  n. 中國功夫
7. handle  vt. 處理, 應付
例:The babysitter couldn't handle the kids.
*babysitter   n. 臨時褓姆
8. modest  a. 謙虛的
例:The modest man never talks about his accomplishments.
*accomplishment  n. 成就
9. in advance  預先, 事先
=beforehand   adv.
例:Please tell me in advance if you're coming to visit me.
10. 本文:
I was only kidding.  我只是在開玩笑。
=I was only joking.
*kid   vi. 開玩笑
例:A: Are you really getting married soon?
B: I was only kidding.

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