1. tour vt. & vi. 遊覽; 觀光 & n. 觀光旅行 (與介詞on並用)
例:My parents are touring in Australia.
Our company go on a tour to a different country every year.
2. by taxi  搭計程車
表示『搭乘交通工具』須用介詞by, 其後直接加交通工具, 且該交通工具前不可置任何冠詞 (a、an、the), 如: by bus (搭公車)、by plane (搭飛機)、by train (搭火車)、by boat (搭船、坐船) 等, 而『步行』則用"on foot"。
例:It's too expensive to go there by taxi.
We toured the city on foot for hours.
3. convenient  a. 方便的, 便利的
例:We found a convenient place to take a rest before continuing on our journey.
4. get around + 地方名詞  在某地四處走動
例:I get around town on my bicycle.
5. tip  vi. & vt. 給小費 & n. 小費
tip + 人 + 錢 + for + 事物    因某事給某人 (錢) 小費
例:The man tipped the bellboy US$10 for carrying his luggage to his room.
Usually, we leave the tip on the table.
6. know + 事物 + like the back of one's hand  對某事物瞭若指掌
例:Tony grew up in the city and knows it like the back of his hand.
7. at the same time  同時
例:Both the doorbell and the phone rang at the same time.
8. personal  a. 私人的
例:Westerners avoid asking personal questions.
9. tour guide n. 導遊
例:The tour guide entertained the tourists on the tour bus by telling jokes.
10. He can take you wherever you want to go.
=He can take you to any place where you want to go.
不論你想去任何地方, 他都會把你送到。
*wherever  adv. 不論何處
11. advice n. 忠告; 建議 (不可數)
advise  vt. 忠告; 建議
give + 人 + a piece of advice + on + 事物
=advise + 人 + on + 事物
忠告某人某事; 就某事給某人建議
advise + 人 + to + 原形動詞    忠告/勸告某人……
例:As soon as I graduated, Dad gave me a piece of advice on how to do business.
I advised the old lady to put her money in a bank.
12. worth  prep. 值得
be worth + 名詞/動名詞  值得……
例:This old painting is worth a fortune.
What's worth doing is worth doing well.
本文第二段最後一句句尾"be worth it"是固定用法, 等於"be worthwhile" (是值得的)。
例:Learning English is worth it.
=Learning English is worthwhile.

EX english 數位英語學院