Part B
1. OK. 好。
本用語相當於"All right."之意。
:A: Let's go.
B: All right.
2. Take care. 保重。
本句係由"I hope you will take care of yourself." (我希望你會照顧自己。) 化簡而成。
take care of...  照顧……
例:Don't worry. I will take care of you.
3. You, too. 你也一樣。

這是一種簡答句, 係由下列句子化簡而成:
例:I hope you will take care of yourself, too.

這種簡答句只用於肯定句中, 且通常只有下列兩種:
You, too.  你/你們也一樣。
Me, too.  我也一樣。

例:A: I hope you can pass the exam.
B: You, too.
= I hope you can pass the exam, too.
A: I hope I can see you tomorrow.
B: Me, too.
= I hope I can see you tomorrow, too.

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