1. learn vt. & vi. 學習
例:Sam learned three foreign languages in university.
The smart young boy learns very fast.
2. cook vi. 烹飪
例:My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
3. smart adj . 伶俐的,機警的;精明的
4. teach vt.
例:I need someone to teach me English composition.
5. 主詞 + used to + 原形動詞 以前曾經……
used vi. 慣常, 向來 (恆用過去式)
例:I used to run five kilometers every morning.
6. chef n. 主廚, 廚師
7. ought to + 原形動詞 應當……
ought aux. 應當
例:Don't get so angry; you ought to be more patient.
(別這麼生氣, 你應當更有耐心些。)
8. problem n. 問題
例:Fred's computer has a problem, so he's using a typewriter.
9. be sure that... 確定……
例:Kate, be sure (that) you turn off the radio before going to sleep.
10. in town 在城鎮中
town n. 城鎮
例:Is this the only shoe store in town?

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