本課介紹『get + 形容詞』的用法。

a. 一般而言, 形容詞多置於be動詞或become (變成)seem (似乎) 等連綴動詞之後, 作主詞補語。

  : The child is clever.


    He became strong from exercising.


    He seems angry.


b. get亦可表示『變成』的意思, 相當於become, become之後可置任何的形容詞, get之後的形容詞則有所選擇。

  : He got clever. ()

   →He became clever. ()


    He got strong. ()

   →He became strong. ()


  但: He got angry. ()

   = He became angry.


一般而言, 下列形容詞可置於get之後:

a. 與『生氣』有關的形容詞

angry (生氣的)mad (生氣的)crazy (氣得發狂的)

  : He got mad when he heard the news.


b. 與『健康』有關的形容詞

  illsick (生病的)well (身體健康的)

 : He got ill last week.


   After taking the medicine, he soon got well.



get ill (sick) 亦可用fall ill (sick) 取代。

  : He fell ill but refused to see a doctor.


c. get之後亦可接過去分詞, 形成被動語態, 等於"be動詞 + 過去分詞"

  : He was injured in the traffic accident.

   = He got injured in the traffic accident.


    About ten people were killed in the fire.

   = About ten people got killed in the fire.


d. get若使用於現在進行式中, 之後可接一般形容詞, 這些形容詞多用比較級。即:

be getting

more and more + 形容詞

比較級形容詞 + and + 比較級形容詞


: She gets beautiful. ()

 →She is getting more and more beautiful. ()


  His English got good. ()

 →His English is getting better and better. ()



兩個形容詞共同修飾一個名詞時, 本應使用and連接, 但亦可使用逗點取代and, 使該兩個形容詞的關係更加密切。如本文句子:

Why do people get headaches in a crowded, stuffy room?

=Why do people get headaches in a crowded and


: Nobody gets along with that selfish and mean

 = Nobody gets along with that selfish, mean guy.



有些形容詞與名詞並用, 形成一個固定的用語 (an old man老先生、a young boy小男孩、a red car紅車子), 此時之前另置形容詞時, 該形容詞之後不得再置逗點或and

 : That kind and old man is his father. ()

   That kind, old man is his father. ()

  →That kind old man is his father. ()


   Who is that beautiful and young girl? ()

   Who is that beautiful, young girl? ()

  →Who is that beautiful young girl? ()



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