
He discovered many rivers, lakes and mountains, including the Victoria Falls, the biggest waterfall in the world.

他發現了許多河流、湖泊和山巒, 包括世界上最大的瀑布──維多利亞瀑布。

此處including雖是現在分詞的形態, 實際卻是介詞, 表示『包括』的意思, 使用時通常其前置一逗點, 其後置受詞。若受詞在句尾, 則之後置句點。若受詞在句中, 之後置逗點。

a. 受詞置句尾:

  : He has many hobbies, including singing and
    stamp collecting.


b. 受詞置句中:

  : A few students, including John, passed the



除including以外, 有少數現在分詞亦可作介詞用, 常用的有regarding及concerning, 均表示『有關』的意思, 這兩個介詞多出現於文章中, 與on (有關) 同義。about亦可表示『有關』, 多用於口語中。 

: He is writing a paper




air pollution.


   Tell us more about his background.




...including the Victoria Falls, the biggest waterfall in the world.


上列句中, the biggest waterfall in the world就是the Victoria Falls的名詞同位語。

a. 所謂名詞同位語, 就是在名詞之後另置一名詞, 而兩個名詞地位相等。此時我們稱第二個名詞為第一個名詞的同位語。

  : I like John, a friend of mine.


本句中a friend of mineJohn的同位語。由於John在句中作受詞, 故我們稱a friend of mine為受詞同位語。

又例: John, an English professor, teaches very well.


本句中an English professorJohn的同位語。由於John在句中作主詞, 故我們稱an English professor為主詞同位語。

  又例: He is John, my idol.


     *idol n. 偶像

本句中my idolJohn的同位語。由於John在句中作主詞補語, 故我們稱my idol為補語同位語。

b. 名詞同位語乃由下列形容詞子句簡化而成:

  who/which + be動詞+名詞

  : I like John, who is a friend of mine.

   = I like John, a friend of mine.

    John, who is an English professor, teaches
    very well.

   = John, an English professor, teaches very

    He is John, who is my idol.

   = He is John, my idol.

又例: The dandelion, which is a small wild flower,
   can be found almost everywhere.

  = The dandelion, a small wild flower, can
    be found almost everywhere.


     *dandelion n. 蒲公英

 I enjoy reading The Old Man and the Sea, which is a classic by Ernest Hemingway.

= I enjoy reading The Old Man and the Sea, a classic  by Ernest Hemingway.


     *classic n. 傑作; 經典之作

 Horses, which are animals that were once used for transportation, have been replaced by cars.

= Horses, animals that were once used for transportation, have been replaced by cars.



...including the Victoria Falls, the biggest waterfall in the world.

= ...including the Victoria Falls, which is the biggest waterfall in the world.

c. 由於名詞同位語均由非限定形容詞子句 (即關係代名詞whowhich之前要有逗點) 簡化而成, 故名詞同位語之前亦應有逗點。若名詞同位語在句中出現時, 之後亦應置逗點; 若在句尾出現時則置句點。


  : David, a historian, knows a lot about the
    history of China.



  : Here comes Rover, my pet dog.


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