1. Guess what, Mom? 媽, 妳猜怎麼了?
= Can you guess what happened, Mom?
guess vt. 猜想
例:If you don't know the answer to the question, try and guess it.
*mom n. 媽媽 (mother的通俗用語)
  dad n. 爸 (father的通俗用語)
2. get through an exam with flying colors 考試高分過關
= pass an exam with flying colors
with flying colors  大為成功
*此處colors為複數, 乃指五顏六色的旌旗。古時作戰部隊打了勝仗凱旋而歸時, 五顏六色的旌旗在空中飄揚, 故用with flying colors表示『大為成功』之意。
3. Well done, son! 兒子, 幹得好!
Well done, son!乃由The job was well done, son!簡化而成, 用來稱讚某人的優良表現。小張昨日參加演講比賽得了第一名, 父親一聽心中大喜, 便說: Well done! (『幹得好!』)。

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