
saytell均作及物動詞, 前者表示『說』的意思, 後者則表示『告訴』或『說』的意思。茲將兩者之用法介紹如下:


a. say + that引導的名詞子句 (that可省略)

  : He said (that) he would be late for an
    hour or two.


    Father often says (that) one should be
    filial to his parents.


  *filial a. 孝順的

b. say +逗點 + 引號句 (句點置於引號之內)

  : When I asked him where he lived, he
    said: "I live in Taitung". (

   →When I asked him where he lived, he
    said, "I live in Taitung." (


c. say + 名詞/代名詞

say作及物動詞時, 可用名詞或代名詞作受詞, 名詞多為words (),代名詞則為something (一些話)nothing (沒有一句話)

  : I have some words to say about the matter.

   = I have something to say about the matter.

    (對這件事, 我有一些話要說。)

    When I asked him what he thought about the
    teacher, he said nothing.

    (當我問他對老師的看法如何時, 他沒說一句話

d. 下列為有關say之慣用語, 讀者宜牢記。

  say hello to + 人  向某人打招呼

  : Carl is friendly. He says hello to
    everyone he meets.


  say goodbye to + 人  向某人道別

  : I won't see John before he leaves; say
    goodbye to him for me, please.


  say prayers  禱告

  : I say my prayers every night before going
    to bed.




a. tell + + that引導的名詞子句 (that可省略)

  : When Father comes back, I'll tell him
    (that) you've broken the glass.


b. tell + + 疑問詞 (whenwhathowwhether...) 引導的名詞子句

  : Tell me when he'll be back.


    He is willing to tell me how he learned


c. tell + + to + 原形動詞  叫某人……

  : He told me to open all the windows.


d. 表示『說故事』、『說謊』、『說實話』時, 要說"tell a story""tell a lie""tell the truth"

  : John is good at saying stories; no wonder
    all the children here like him. (

   →John is good at telling stories; no wonder
    all the children here like him. (


    He's saying lies again. ()

   →He's telling lies again. ()


    You must say the truth, or I'll punish
    you. (

   →You must tell (me) the truth, or I'll
    punish you. (


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