Part B

Can you show me some high-heeled shoes?

= Can you show me some high-heels?


show + + 東西  拿/將某物給某人看

: Can you show me those earrings?


  I'll show you my new watch tomorrow.



These are too high. Do you have lower ones?


上列第二個句子中的ones是代名詞, 用來代替前面已提過的名詞shoes。原句實為:

These (= These high-heeled shoes) are too high. Do you have lower high-heeled shoes?

high-heeled shoes重複了一次, 就修辭而言應予避免, 故用ones代替。這個ones專用來代替前面已提過的複數名詞, one則是用來代替前面已提過的單數名詞。

: Those mangos are delicious, especially the red mangos. ()

 →Those mangos are delicious, especially the red ones. ()


 Jack wants a new bike, but he doesn't have enough money to buy a new bike. ()

 → Jack wants a new bike, but he doesn't have enough money to buy one. ()


3. They don't fit.  這些不合腳。

= They don't fit me.

fit是動詞, 表『適合』、『合身』的意思, 可以單獨使用, 也可以在後面加『人』作受詞。

: Do these socks fit?


  This jacket fits you very well.



I'm afraid we don't have your size.

= I'm afraid that we don't have your size.


I'm afraid + (that) + 主詞 + 動詞...  恐怕……


I'm afraid之後多接不好的訊息。 

: I'm afraid (that) I have some bad news for you.


  I'm afraid (that) we don't have what you want.


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