本課介紹way (方法) 並續談"be able to" (能夠) it代替名詞子句的用法。


In this way, he is able to give joy to those who are dearest to him──his teachers and his family.

這樣的話, 他就能將快樂給予跟他最親的人──也就是他的老師和家人。

a. way可作『方法』或『態度、樣子』解, 皆與介詞 in 並用。

: You should do it in my way. 


  In this way, you can achieve your goal much


  I don't like the way in which he looks at me.


  You shouldn't talk to your parents in such a


b. way之前若有指示形容詞如thisthat, 或所有格代名詞如myyourherhis, 之前的介詞in可予省略。但way之前若有不定冠詞a/an, 之前的in則不可省略。

  : You should do it in my way.

   = You should do it my way.


    In this way, you can achieve your goal
    much faster.

   = This way, you can achieve your goal much


    He did it an easy way. ()

   →He did it in an easy way. ()


同理, 本課閱讀部份的原文:

  In this way, he is able to give joy to those
  who are dearest to him
──his teachers and his

 = This way, he is able to give joy to those who


in one's way (以某人的方法) 習慣上置於句尾, 修飾句中動詞, in可予省略, 但置於句首時, 則不可省略inin this/that way可置於句首或句尾, 均可省略in

: If you can do it in my way, you'll be as
  successful as I am.

 = If you can do it my way, you'll be as
  successful as I am.


 My way, you'll easily achieve success. ()

 In this way, you'll easily achieve success. ()

= This way, you'll easily achieve success.


 You'll make few mistakes if you do it in that

= You'll make few mistakes if you do it that way.


c. the way之後可用"in + 關係代名詞which"引導形容詞子句, 修飾way

  : That's the way in which I deal with such


    I don't like the way in which he looks at



way之後的in which常予省略, 故上例可改寫為:

  That's the way I deal with such problems.

  I don't like the way he looks at me.

d. way亦可表示『路途』的意思, 形成下列重要的片語:

1) on one's way

to + 地方名詞

地方副詞 (hometherehere)


此片語可置於be動詞之後作主詞補語但亦可置於句尾或句首 ,修飾一般動詞。

   : Peter: Where are you going, John?

     John: I'm on my way home.
是地方副詞, 之前不置to)



    = On my way to school, I ran into a friend
     of mine.

    = I ran into a friend of mine on my way to
     school. (school
是地方名詞, 之前應置to)


 2) in one's way  擋某人的路

   : Don't stand in my way, John.



be able to的用法

...he is able to give joy to those who are dearest to him──his teachers and his family.

=...he can give joy to those who are dearest to him──his teachers and his family.



a. "can be able to"的用法。

: He can be able to handle the problem alone.



  He can handle the problem alone. ()

 = He is able to handle the problem alone.

 = He is capable of handling the problem alone.


b. "make++able to"的用法。

: His timely help made me able to solve the
  problem. (



1) make作『使……』解時, 為不完全及物動詞, 之後可置受詞, 並以形容詞或名詞作受詞補語, :

   He made me happy.



   He has made me a good boy.



2) 1)項的解說, 下列例子, able為形容詞, 作受詞me之補語, 應無錯誤:

   His timely help made me able to solve the

   problem. ()


但英語表示『使……能夠』另有動詞enable一字, 用法如下:enable + + to + 原形動詞

 : His timely help enabled me to solve the
   problem. (



   His timely help made me able to solve the
   problem. (


it可代替that引導的名詞子句, 在句中作主詞, 此時, that可予省略。

 : It's too bad that we don't all have goals
   like Billy.

  = It's too bad we don't all have goals like

  = It's a pity that we don't...

  = It's a pity we don't...


 *此處too bad作『令人遺憾』解, 相當於名詞a pity
  之意, 不可譯成『太壞的』。

 : A: John didn't pass the test.

   B: That's too bad.




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