Part B |
1. |
What's the exchange rate for US dollars, please?
請問美元的匯率是多少? |
What's the exchange rate for + 貨幣名稱? 某貨幣的匯率是多少?
What's the exchange rate between + 貨幣名稱 + and + 貨幣名稱?
例: What's the exchange rate for the pound today?
*pound n. 英鎊
What's the exchange rate between NT dollars and US dollars?
(台幣對美金的匯率是多少?) |
2. |
Which currency do you want to change your money into?
你要把錢換成那一種貨幣? |
例: How much foreign currency do you have?
(你有多少外幣?) |
3. |
It's 7.89 Hong Kong dollars to 1 US dollar.
7.89的讀法為seven point eight nine。
小數點之後的數字須一個一個分開唸, 不可合成十位數或百位數來唸。如18.18須唸成eighteen point one eight, 而不可唸成eighteen point eighteen; 0.235須唸成zero point two three five, 不可唸成zero point two hundred and thirty-five。 |
4. |
How do you want your money? 你要多少面額的錢? |
本句為兌換外幣時, 銀行行員問顧客的話。比如說, 你用台幣換了三百五十美元, 而美元有一元、五元、十元、廿元、五十元、百元等面額不同的紙鈔, 要湊足三百五十美元就會有各種不同的排列組合, 所以行員會以此問句問你要如何分配。 |
5. |
Seven hundreds, eight tens and the rest in change, please. |
= Seven one-hundred-dollar bills, eight ten-dollar bills and the rest in change, please.
七張百元鈔, 八張十元鈔, 其餘的換成零錢。
bill n. 紙鈔
此處的the rest為代名詞, 是the rest of the money之省略。
例: Only two students are absent, and the rest (of the students) are all present today.
*absent a. 缺席的
*present a. 出席的 |
6. |
No problem. 沒問題。 |
例: A: Can you kill Roger for me, James Bond?
B: No problem. He's a dead man.
(乙:沒問題,他死定了。) |