Part B
1. It's quite serious. I think you need a shot. 

情況相當嚴重, 我想你得打一針。

a. quite, fairly, rather (相當地), very (), extremely (, 非常) 等均為表示程度的副詞, 在句中加強形容詞或副詞的詞意。所謂副詞是可修飾動詞、形容詞和副詞的詞類; 所謂形容詞則是可修飾名詞和代名詞的詞類。

: He studies hard. (hard是副詞, 修飾動詞studies)


     She looks very beautiful. (very是副詞, 修飾形容詞beautiful)


      He studies very hard. (very是副詞, 修飾副詞hard)


      He is a young boy. (young是形容詞, 修飾名詞boy)


      She is beautiful. (beautiful是形容詞, 修飾代名詞she)



b. a.項所列表示程度的副詞中, 依程度強弱排列如下:

 fairly (最弱), quite, rather, very, extremely (最強)

: It is fairly/quite/rather hot today.


      The car runs very fast.


      I feel extremely tired.



c. shot表『注射、打針』, 乃是口語用法, 正式的字為injection

give + + a shot  給某人打針

=give + + an injection

 get/take a shot  (接受) 打針

=get/take an injection

: The nurse will give you a shot.


       Most children are afraid to take an injection.


2. Is it going to hurt?  打針會不會痛呢?

a. 本句為"It is going to hurt."變化而來的問句。

be going to + 動詞  將會……

=will + 動詞

 : It is going to rain this afternoon.

      =It will rain this afternoon.


       I'm going to take a trip next week.

      =I will take a trip next week.



b. hurt之後若無受詞時, 譯為『疼痛』; 有受詞時則譯為『傷害』。

 : My fingers hurt.


      Nobody will hurt you.


3. Don't worry. It'll soon be over.  別擔心。很快就會結束的。

"Don't worry."(別擔心。) 是會話中經常使用來安慰他人的話。

   worry vt. & vi. 擔心

   worried a. 擔心的

   worry about...  擔心……

 =be worried about...

: A: Oh, no. We'll miss the bus. We'll be late for school.

     B: Don't worry. We can take a taxi.



        We all worry about you.

      =We are all worried about you.


4. Ouch!  哎唷!

"Ouch!"是英文中的聲音字, 表因突來的疼痛而發出的叫聲。

: A: Ouch! My stomach hurts.

     B: You'd better go to a doctor.



  stomach n.

5. OK. It's done.  好了, 打完針了。

=OK. It is done.

 =OK. It is finished.

 此處done是形容詞, 表『做完的』, 等於finished

: A: Have you finished your job?

     B: Yes, it's done already.



6. Also, take these pills 3 times a day after meals.

還有, 飯後服用這些藥丸, 一天三次。

 a. 表『吃藥』的動詞須用take; 表『喝湯』的動詞用eat; 表『喝飲料、咖啡、牛奶等』時則動詞用drink

: I really hate taking medicine.


       Don't make noises when you eat soup.


       I drink a cup of coffee every day.



b. 3 times a day  一天三次

表『次數』、『頻率』的說法, 中英文剛好相反, 中文說『一天三次』, 英文卻說『三次一天』(3 times a day)。事實上, 英文是把次數或頻率放前面, 之後再接時間。

: Jack eats 4 meals a day.


       They work 5 days a week.


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