Part A

Can I take a picture with the lion, Dad?

我可以和獅子照張相嗎, 老爸?

take a picture with + /物  和某人/物拍照

take a picture of + /物  拍某人/物的照片

take a picture for + 人  替某人 () 拍照 (的工作)

: May I take a picture with you?


  I want to take a picture of these flowers.


  Mister, can you take a picture for us?



But don't go too near the cage.  不過不要太靠近籠子。

= But don't go too close to the cage.

此處的near是介系詞, 即等於close to

: His house is near the school.

 = His house is close to the school.


3. Are you ready? Say "Cheese!"  你準備好了嗎?說"Cheese"!

a. ready是形容詞, 表『準備好的』, 有下列常見的用法:

be ready to + 原形動詞  準備好要……

be ready for + 名詞  為……準備妥當

: Are you ready to go home?


  They are ready for the final exams.



b. cheese本是『乳酪、乾酪』之意, 但是此處Say "Cheese!"可不要譯成『說乳酪』。事實上這是照相時為取得笑容的用語, 因為說cheese這個字時, 嘴角向兩旁拉開, 看起來就像在笑一樣, 因此Say "Cheese!"真正的意思是要被照相的人微笑, 就像我們照相時會說『來, 笑一個。』的意思是一樣的。

4. That's a good one.  這張照得很棒。

"That's a good one."是表示讚許的話, 字面上的意思是『這個很不錯。』通常在他人說了一句好詞或一則好笑的笑話, 我們可以說"That's a good one."以示嘉許之意; 但依對話上下文判斷, 此處則是指被照相者 (兒子或女兒) 的微笑很甜, 洗出來一定是一張很棒的照片。

5. Lions are beautiful, aren't they?  獅子好漂亮喔,對不對?


敘述句為肯定時, 接否定反問句;

敘述句為否定時, 接肯定反問句。

此外, 反問句的主詞一定為代名詞。

a. 敘述句有be動詞, 反問句沿用be動詞。

 *此處"Lions are beautiful, aren't they?"即屬此種用法。

: He is nice, isn't he?


 You are not a student, are you?



b. 敘述句有助動詞will, can, have, 反問句沿用該助動詞。

: She can dance, can't she?


  You haven't done it, have you?



c. 敘述句只有動詞, 反問句則使用助動詞do, does

: He gets up early, doesn't he?


  You like movies, don't you?



d. 敘述句為命令句 (即原形動詞起首的句子) , 反問句一律用will you

: Come over here, will you?


  Stop smoking, will you?



e. 敘述句為Let's...開頭, 反問句一律用shall we

: Let's go home, shall we?


6. They sure are. After all, the lion is "king of the beasts."

= They sure are beautiful. After all, the lion is "king of the beasts."


a. 此處sure為副詞, 表『的確』, 等於surely


b. After all, 主詞 + 動詞  畢竟,……

: A: We can't give him too much work.

  B: You're right. After all, he's just a new hand.



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