1. have  vt. 有 (用於I, you或複數的主詞之後)
has  vt. 有 (用於he, she, it等第三人稱單數主詞之後)
例:I have a wonderful family.
2. good   a. 好的; 善良的
例:Judy is a good singer.
3. her  pron. 她的
4. their  pron. 他們的
5. also adv. 也
例:Bob is my teacher and he is also my friend.
6. dog n. 狗
7. the Wangs n. 王氏一家人; 王氏夫婦
=the Wang family
=Mr. & Mrs. Wang
8. neighbor   n. 鄰居
9. live  vi. 住
例:I live in the country.
10. same a. 相同的
使用本字時, 之前一定要置定冠詞the。
例:Jane and I go to the same school.
11. street  n. 街
12. very  adv. 很, 非常地
例:My neighbors are very noisy.
13. nice  a. 好的; 善良的
14. lucky  a. 幸運的
例:The lucky boy has a new bicycle.
15. such  a. 如此的, 那樣的
例:Today is such a beautiful day.

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