本課介紹省略句的形成, 不定冠詞aan的用法, 介詞片語on the other hand的用法, 及表示相對關係的名詞之前省略冠詞的用法。

Tony likes music. Tina doesn't.  湯尼喜歡音樂, 蒂娜卻不喜歡。

Tony is an athlete. Tina isn't.  湯尼是個運動員, 蒂娜則不是。

以上兩句中的"Tina doesn't.""Tina isn't."均為省略句。省略句的功能就是省略兩句重複的部份, 使句子結構簡單又不失清楚的涵義。省略句形成的先決條件是:

a. 兩句的結構必須相同 (亦即兩句有相同的時態及動詞), 第二句方可形成省略句。


b. 第一句若為肯定句, 第二句則為否定句; 第一句若為否定句, 第二句則為肯定句。


a. be動詞

: He is a good student. She is not a good student.

 → He is a good student. She isn't.

   = He is a good student, but she isn't.



b. 助動詞 (canwill)

: He cannot do it. She can do it.

 → He cannot do it. She can.

   = He cannot do it, but she can.



c. 動詞

此時省略句要按主詞的人稱分置助動詞dodoes, 用來代替第一句中的動詞。

 : He likes music. I do not like music.

 → He likes music. I don't.

   = He likes music, but I don't.


 I do not like music. He likes music.

 → I do not like music. He does.

   = I don't like music, but he does.



Tony is an athlete.  湯尼是個運動員。



a. 一般而言, 可數名詞若為單數形時, 之前要有不定冠詞 (a, an) 表示單數的概念。

: This is book. ()

 → This is a book. ()


 There is ox there. ()

 → There is an ox there. ()



b. a置於子音起首的單字前, an則置於母音起首的單字前。

book , ox , athlete由上列音標得知book起首為子音, oxathlete為母音, 故應說a bookan oxan athlete

3. On the other hand, Tina likes movies, but Tony doesn't.

另一方面, 蒂娜喜歡電影, 但湯尼則不喜歡。

on the other hand是介詞片語, 表示『另一方面來說』或『話又說回來』, 有副詞的功能, 通常置於句首, 修飾整個句子。

: He is poor at English. On the other hand, he speaks French very well.


4. Tina doesn't.  蒂娜則不。

= Tina does not.

 Tina isn't.  蒂娜不是。

= Tina is not.

 No, they aren't.  不, 他們不是。

= No, they are not.

 They're very different.  他們大不相同。

= They are very different.

以上各句旨在強調be動詞及助動詞do (Itheyyouwe或其他複數主詞並用)does (hesheit或其他單數主詞並用) not的縮寫形。這種縮寫在英文的寫作或口語中極為普遍。


is not isn't

are not aren't 注意:  am not無縮寫形。

: He is not a teacher.

   = He isn't a teacher.


 They are not happy.

   = They aren't happy.



b. dodoesnot並用時: 

do not don't

does not doesn't

: They do not like music.

   = They don't like music.


 I do not like coffee.

   = I don't like coffee.


 She does not like tea.

   = She doesn't like tea.


5. They are brother and sister.  他們是兄妹/姐弟。

上句中brothersister是可數名詞, 照理本句應為:

They are a brother and a sister.

但若兩個名詞所表示的是相對的關係, 如父子、兄妹、母子等, 這些名詞之前的不定冠詞就應省略。故我們應說:


    They are

brother and sister.

mother and son.

father and daughter.

teacher and student.



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