
John is American.  約翰是美國人。

Laura is Spanish.  蘿拉是西班牙人。

Chen and Huang are Chinese.  小陳和小黃是中國人。

上列三句中, AmericanSpanishChinese均作形容詞, 分別表示『美國籍的』、『西班牙籍的』、『中國籍的』;AmericanChinese均可作可數名詞, 此時之前應分別置不定冠詞ana, an American (美國人)a Chinese (中國人), American的複數形為Americans, Chinese的複數形仍為Chinese

: John is American. (American為形容詞)

   = John is an American. (American為名詞)


 They are American. (American為形容詞)

   = They are Americans. (Americans為複數名詞)


 Peter is Chinese. (Chinese為形容詞)

   = Peter is a Chinese. (Chinese為名詞)


 They are Chinese. (Chinese為形容詞, 亦可視作複數名詞)


 I see five Chinese there. (Chinese為複數名詞)


 但 Spanish只作形容詞用, :

 He is a Spanish. ()

 → He is Spanish. ()


 I see five Spanish there. ()

 → I see five Spanish people there. ()


因此為了避免犯類似上面的錯誤, 英美人士多用國籍的形容詞來表示某人是哪一國人。

 : He is British.

 They are British.


 We are Danish.



She's from Spain.  她來自西班牙。

= She is from Spain.

 They're from Malaysia.

= They are from Malaysia.


以上兩句中的She'sThey're分別等於She isThey are。人稱代名詞作主詞與be動詞並用時, 可採下列縮寫形, 這些縮寫形在口語中最為常用:

 I am I'm我是

 you are you're你是/你們是

 he is he's他是

 she is she's她是

 it is it's它是

 we are we're 我們是

 they are they're他們是

: I am not a student.

   = I'm not a student.


 He is a good teacher.

   = He's a good teacher.


 It is a beautiful dog.

   = It's a beautiful dog.


3. ...but we all get along well.  ……不過我們都相處得很好。

以上這兩個片語卻有兩個文法重點, 茲分述如下:

a. we all  我們大家

此處的all是形容詞, 譯成『全部的』或『所有的』, 修飾三個或三個以上的人或東西。與代名詞並用時, 置於該代名詞之後; 與普通名詞並用時, 通常置於該普通名詞前; 與專有名詞並用時, 通常置於該專有名詞之後。

1) 代名詞:

: They all like music.


 I like them all.



2) 普通名詞:

: All the boys like music.



3) 專有名詞:

: Peter, Paul and Mary all like music.


 both亦是形容詞, 用來修飾兩個的人或東西, 可譯成『二者都』。

: John and Peter are good friends. They both like music.


 All my parents can sing.

 (, 本句話暗示可能有兩爸一媽或三爸五媽的)

 → Both my parents can sing. ()



b. get along  相處 (along)

這個片語之後亦可接介詞with, 再接人作受詞, :

 get along with + 人  與某人相處

: He has a bad temper. I can't get along with him.


 Do you and your sister get along well?


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