本課介紹not形成的否定句, 並介紹代名詞anyonesomeone的區別。

I don't know anyone at this party. 宴會上的人我一個也不認識。


本句為以副詞not形成的否定句子結構。否定句均由肯定句變化而成, 有下列三種型態:


a. 句中有be動詞時, not置於該be動詞之後。

: He is intelligent. (肯定)


 He is not intelligent. (否定)

  = He isn't intelligent.



b. 句中有助動詞如can (能夠)will (將要)may (可以)must (必須) 等時, not置於該助動詞之後。

: He will come today. (肯定)


 He will not come today. (否定)

  = He won't come today.


 The boy can sing. (肯定)


 The boy cannot sing. (否定)

  = The boy can't sing.


cannot並用時, 應寫成cannot而非can not, willmaymust等助動詞與not並用時, 則仍為will notmay notmust not


c. 句中只有一般動詞而無be動詞或助動詞時, 應先在主詞之後按人稱變化分置助動詞dodoes, 再加not, 原來的動詞均改為原形動詞。

: She loves David. (肯定)


此時主詞She為第三人稱單數代名詞, She之後應置does, 再加not, 然後將loves改為love, :

 She does not love David. (否定)

 = She doesn't love David. 


: They like music. (肯定)


此時主詞They為第三人稱複數代名詞, They之後應置do, 再加not, like的原形仍為like, :

 They do not like music. (否定)

 = They don't like music.



anyone/someone  任何一個人/某個人


以上兩個代名詞分別等於anybodysomebodyanyoneanybody用於否定句或疑問句中, someonesomebody則用於肯定句中。

: I don't know anybody in the classroom. (否定)


 There isn't anyone in the room. (否定)


 Does anyone know the answer? (疑問)


 Can anybody do it? (疑問)


 There is someone there. (肯定)


 Somebody is talking to Mary. (肯定)


不過anybodyanyone若作主詞時, 仍可用於肯定句中, 作強調的用法。

 : Anybody can answer the question.


 If he can do it, anyone can.


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