1. every  a. 每個
例:He visits his teacher every Sunday.
2. morning  n. 早上
3. wash  vi. 洗臉, 洗手
例:My kung fu teacher always washes in cold water.
4. brush  vt. 刷
5. teeth  n. 牙齒 (tooth  的複數形)
one tooth  一顆牙齒
two teeth  兩顆牙齒
6. comb   vt. 用梳子梳 (comb也可作名詞, 表示『梳子』的意思)
例:Comb your hair. It's a mess.
7. hair  n. 頭髮 (不可數)
8. then   adv. 然後
9. clothes  n. 衣服
a.clothes是複數, 表示『衣服』, 但卻是不可數名詞。不可說:
a cloth ( ╳ )
two clothes ( ╳ )
three clothes ( ╳ )
some clothes  一些衣服
many clothes  許多衣服
shirt n. 襯衫
a shirt, two shirts
blouse   n. 女人的圓領襯衫
a blouse, two blouses
coat  n. 西裝的上裝
a coat, two coats
trousers   n. 長褲 (由於褲管有兩個, 故始終用複數)
a trouser ( ╳ )
two trousers ( ╳ )
a pair of trousers  一條褲子
two pairs of trousers  兩條褲子
shorts n. 短褲 (由於褲管有兩個, 故始終用複數)
a short ( ╳ )
two shorts ( ╳ )
a pair of shorts  一條短褲
two pairs of shorts  兩條短褲
skirt  n. 裙子
a skirt, two skirts
suit   n. 男西裝 (上裝及褲子); 女套裝 (上裝及裙子)
a suit, two suits
dress  n. (女) 洋裝 (一件式)
a dress, two dresses
10. eat  vt. 吃
例:I usually eat a sandwich for lunch.
11. breakfast  n. 早餐
12. listen  vi. 傾聽 (與介詞to並用, 方可置受詞)
例:He is listening music. ( ╳ )
→He is listening to music. ()
13. news   n. 新聞, 消息 (不可數)
a piece of news  一則消息
例:That's a very good news. ( ╳ )
→That's very good news. ()
→That's a very good piece of news. ()
14. radio   n. 收音機
15. o'clock  n. ……點鐘
eight o'clock  八點鐘
16. leave  vt. 離開
例:What time does the train leave the station?
17. regular   a. 有規律的
例:My father goes to bed at regular hours.
18. habit  n. 習慣
例:Smoking is a bad habit.

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