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When I'm sad, he is the most sympathetic . When I'm sick, he is the most concerned . When I'm in trouble, he is the most helpful .
當我難過時 , 他最富有同情心了。我生病時 , 他最為關切。我有困難時 , 他最幫我了。
例:Jane was sympathetic to the starving puppy so she
took it home and fed it.
( 珍很同情那隻挨餓的小狗,所以她就把它帶回家餵牠。 )
Connie sympathizes with those orphans and their
( 康妮很同情那些孤兒以及他們的問題。 )
I felt sympathy for the poor beggar, so I gave him some
( 我很同情那位窮乞丐,所以我給了他一些錢。 )