1. Rome wasn't built in a day.  羅馬不是一天造成的。(諺語)
Rome n. 羅馬 (義大利首都)
例:A: My new restaurant isn't doing very well.
B: Don't worry. Rome wasn't built in a day.
2. international  a. 國際的
3. language  n. 語言 (可數); 言詞 (不可數)foul language  下流話, 粗話, 髒話
*foul  a. 粗俗的, 猥褻的
例:You must have patience and determination to learn a second language.
People who use foul language show their poor upbringing.
*upbringing  n. 教養
4. rewarding  a. 有 (獲) 益的; 值得做的,划算的
例:Teaching is a very rewarding profession.
5. It's up to you.  由你決定。
例:A: Should I get a part-time job?
B: It's up to you.
6. depend on...  視……而定
例:My future depends on my exam results.
7. tip  n. 建議; 小費
give + 人 + tips on/about + 事  給某人關於某事的一些建議
例:Can you give me some tips on how to study English?
We gave the waitress a big tip because the service was excellent.
8. be afraid to + 原形動詞  害怕去做……
afraid a. 害怕的, 恐懼的
例:Mr. Wang was afraid to ask his boss for a raise.
9. shy  a. 羞怯的
例:The shy boy didn't dare to ask the girl to dance.
10. thick-skinned  a.厚顏的
例:If you want to be a good salesman, you must be thick-skinned.
11. speak up  大聲說話; 開口說出來
例:Please speak up; I can't hear you.
If you have something to say, speak up.
12. patient  a. 有耐心的 (常與介系詞with並用)
be patient with...  對……有耐心
例:A good teacher is always patient with his students.
EX english 數位英語學院