1. favorite  a. & n. 最喜愛的 (人或物)
例:Going to the movies is my favorite pastime.
This old CD is a favorite of mine.
2. pastime  n. 消遣, 娛樂
例:Dad plays golf as a pastime.
3. all over the world  全世界
=across the world
=the world over
使用the world over時, 其前不可加任何介詞。
例:The rich man has traveled the world over many times.
4. especially  adv. 格外地, 尤其
例:Brad is especially nice to pretty girls.
5. Vienna  n. 維也納 (奧地利首都)
6. Mozart  n. 莫札特 (奧地利作曲家, 1756-1791)
7. birthplace  n. 誕生地; 發源地
8. classical  a. 古典的
classical music  古典音樂
例:Classical Chinese literature is difficult to understand.
*literature n.  文學
9. waltz  n. 華爾茲舞 (曲), 圓舞曲
10. 事物 + fill the air  充滿著某物的氣氛
例:Romantic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant.
*romantic  a. 浪漫的
  cozy  a. 溫暖而舒適的
11. concert  n. 演奏會, 音樂會
例:The concert was attended by thousands of fans.
12. charge  n. 費用 & vt. (向人) 索價
be free of charge 免費
例:These pamphlets are free of charge.
*pamphlet  n. 小冊子
My coach charges me US$50 an hour for teaching me how to play tennis.

famous  a. 有名的, 著名的
例:I'm sure this singer will be famous one day.

14. Vienna Boys' Choir 維也納少年合唱團
choir  n. 合唱團
15. Austria  n. 奧地利
16. be alive with...  充滿……
alive  a. 活的; 充滿的
例:The room is alive with children's laughter.
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