I Want to Marry Your Wife
Strange people do strange things. Aging German millionaire Walter Thiele certainly fits the bill. Recently, he put advertisements in newspapers to find someone to "look after" his wife and his fortune after he dies. Needless to say, thousands of letters poured in from all over the world. Some young men even showed up at Walter's home. Once, when he opened the door, a young man said, "I want to marry your wife." ...
If you think that's funny, so does Walter. The problem is he isn't getting much sleep. So in order to get away for a while , he's taking his beautiful young wife on a round-the-world trip. Well, I guess it takes all kinds of people to make up the world . ...
如果你認為這件事很好笑,華特也是這樣想。問題是,他現在連覺都睡不好。因此,為了要遠離這種困擾一陣子,他正帶他那年輕貌美的老婆環遊世界。呃,我看這世界真是什麼樣的人都有 。
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