Cheer Up!
Grouchy people are always complain ing for no reason . Do you have a husband or boyfriend like that? Is he driving you crazy with his complaints? Don't worry. Cheer up. There's still some hope. A recent medical report says that doctors have found a cure . They say that some men are grouchy because they have a physical problem. In other words , they are sick. They need medical help . ...
滿腹牢騷的人總是毫無理由地抱怨。妳的老公或男友是否也是如此?他的那些抱怨是否逼得妳發瘋?別煩惱,高興點。還是有希望存在的。最近一項醫學報導指出,醫生們發現了一種療方。他們發現有些人愛發牢騷是因為身體上的毛病。換句話說,這些人有病了,他們需要醫治 。
So the next time your better half is grouchy , don't just sit there. Take him to the doctor's. There's one strange thing about the report, though. It doesn't say anything about grouchy girlfriends or wives . ...
所以下次妳的另一半發牢騷時,別坐視不顧,帶他去看醫生。不過這項報導有一點怪,它對滿腹牢騷的女友或老婆隻字未提 。

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