1. toilet n. 廁所
washroom n. 盥洗室, 廁所
restroom n. (公共) 廁所
lavatory n. 洗手間, 廁所
toilet本意為『馬桶』, 現今常用來表示『廁所』, restroom則常用來表示一般的公共廁所, 但現今美國人表示『上廁所』時, 常見的有三種說法: "go to the toilet/the washroom/the restroom"; 而lavatory則常指飛機上的洗手間。此外, 英國人表示『上廁所』時, 一般都說"go to the lavatory"。  
2. desperately adv. 迫切地  
desperate a. 走頭無路的
例:I desperately need some financial help.
When I'm desperate, I turn to my parents for help.
3. You need to go to the washroom desss...perately. 你非常非常想上洗手間。
此為因緊張或內急的緣故, 所以講話結結巴巴, 可譯為『非、非常……常迫切』。
4. embarrassed a. 感到困窘/尷尬的
embarrass vt. 使困窘, 使尷尬
embarrassing a. 令人困窘/尷尬的
例:James was embarrassed when his girlfriend beat him in ping-pong.
It's embarrassing to forget someone's name while talking to him.
5. to no end 無止境地, 無限地
= limitlessly adv.
= without end
例:Mom scolded Dad to no end for leaving his briefcase in the taxi.
6. invent vt. 發明, 創造; 杜撰, 捏造
invention n. 發明 (物)
例:The boy is good at inventing sad stories to gain sympathy.
Mr. A.G. Bell is responsible for the invention of the telephone.
The TV is indeed a great invention.
7. self-cleaning a. 自動清洗的
clean vt. 使乾淨 & vi. 打掃, 清掃
clean up...  將……清理乾淨, 徹底清理……
例:The maid cleans the house every day.
It took us an hour to clean up the apartment after the party.
8. seat n. 座位
take a seat  請坐
例:Please take a seat; our discussion will take some time.
9. blow-dry vt. 吹乾
10. automatically adv. 自動地; 不自覺地
automatic a. 自動的
例:When I meet someone, I almost automatically shake his hand.
This car has an automatic transmission.
*transmission n. 動力傳送器
11. warning n. 警告  
例:Thank you for your timely warning, or else I would have been in trouble.

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