本課複習關係副詞where的用法, 並介紹"had better + 原形動詞" (最好……) 的用法。

The seat goes back into the wall where it is washed and blow-dried.

使用後馬桶會縮進牆裡, 並在那裡洗淨吹乾。

上列句中的where為關係副詞, 即等於in which, 修飾其前的名詞the wall

where作關係副詞時, 其所引導的形容詞子句只用來修飾表地方的名詞, 此時where即等於"介詞in/on/at + 關係代名詞which", 若其前表地方的名詞為大地方 (如國家、城市、區域等) 或表內部 (在……之內) , 介詞用in; 若表示在某物之上時, 介詞用at; 若地方表外在 (在……上面) , 則介詞用on

: That is the restaurant where Ted first met Paula.

                                  = in which


   I went to the station, where I ran into a good friend of mine.

                                  = at which


   That is the hilltop where our school is located.

                         = on which




關係副詞除了where, 尚有whenwhyhow三個:


a. when用以修飾表時間的名詞。

:The exam took place at 3 p.m., when all the students were

                                 = at which

   already very tired.

   (考試在下午三點舉行, 那時所有的學生都已經很累了。)


b. why只用以修飾the reason (理由)

: I don't know the reason why Molly was fired.

                       = for which



c. how只用以修飾the way (方式、方法), 但使用時, the way之後的how一定要省略, 如不省略反而會成為贅述, 但我們 亦可省略the way, 而使用how

: Everyone likes

the way


he sings.




When it does, you'd better be ready or your face will be red!

當門自動打開時, 你最好已經辦完事, 不然你可要臉紅了!

上列句中的it乃指前句中的the door, does則代替前句中的動詞opens, 此處用itdoes乃為避免相同詞類的重複之故。

 you'd better...  你最好……

= you had better...


had better + 原形動詞  最好……



使用此片語時, 若以代名詞作主詞時, 經常使用縮寫形, : you'd better (你最好)I'd better (我最好)he'd better (他最好)she'd better (她最好)……等。


: You'd better be on time for the meeting.



   Henry had not better get drunk again or else his girlfriend
   would dump him. (

  Henry had better not get drunk again or else his girlfriend
   would dump him. (



had betternot並用時, not須置於better之後, 而不可置於其前, 即無"had not better"的用法。


EX english 數位英語學院