Lost and Found
In recent years, going abroad for a holiday has almost become a national pastime . Traveling is indeed fun. But those of you traveling for the first time beware ! What should you do if you lose your luggage? Don't panic . Just go straight to the airline you're travel ing with. They'll direct you to the Lost and Found department . ...
最近幾年,到國外度假幾乎已成為一種全國性的休閒活動。旅遊的確很有趣,但是第一次出國旅遊的人可要小心了!萬一遺失了行李該怎麼辦?別驚慌。只要直接到你所搭乘的航空公司,他們會指引你到失物招領處 。
In most cases, they'll find your luggage. But you must not forget one thing when you're at the check-in counter . Make sure you get a baggage check stub . Without it, the airline will have great difficulty helping you. Worried about what to say at the Lost and Found ? Well, read the next lesson and you'll know what to do . ...
在大多數情形下,他們會找到你的行李。但是千萬別忘了,在辦理登機手續時,一定要拿到寄運行李的存根。若沒有存根,航空公司要幫忙你就很困難了。擔心在失物招領處該說些什麼嗎?那麼,看下一課,你就會知道該怎麼辦了 。

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