本課介紹表示『最近』的副詞或副詞片語與時態的關係, 以及動詞beware的用法, "Make sure + (that) 子句" 的用法。

In recent years, going abroad for a holiday has almost become a national pastime.

最近幾年, 到國外度假幾乎已成為一種全國性的休閒活動。

上列句中, in recent years為表『最近幾年』的時間副詞片語, 與現在完成式has almost become並用。

凡句中有in recent years/months (最近幾年/幾個月) 的時間副詞片語出現時, 常與現在完成式或現在完成進行式並用; 表示到現在為止仍在繼續的動作或狀態時, 使用現在完成式來表達; 表示一直持續到現在且可能仍將繼續下去的動作時, 則使用現在完成進行式來表達。

: In recent months there have been several demonstrations
   in that area.


   In recent years the economy has been getting worse.




a. 在英文中, 鮮少使用in recent days, 而用recentlylatelyof late來表示『最近』之意, 且亦與現在完成式或現在完成進行式並用; 而使用recently, 亦可與過去式並用。

: Recently business has been very good.


   Lately it has been getting colder.


   Recently John quit his job.



b. 表未來的『最近』時, 則用soonin the near future來表示, 此時時態須用未來式。

: I will go to see you soon.


   The education system will change in the near future.




But those of you traveling for the first time beware!


 beware vi. 當心; 注意; 提防

 beware of...  當心/注意/提防……



"beware of..."通常只用於命令句 (即以原形動詞起首的句子) 或含有助動詞shouldmust的敘述句中。

: Beware of people who say one thing and do another.


   You girls should beware of strangers.


   You must beware of pickpockets in crowded places.




Make sure you get a baggage check stub.

= Make sure that you get a baggage check stub.


 Make sure + (that) 子句  




"Make sure + (that) 子句"的句構中, that子句的時態須為簡單現在式或現在完成式, 且不可加任何助動詞shouldmust等。

: Make sure (that) you must come on time for the meeting.

    Make sure (that) you come on time for the meeting. ()



  Make sure (that) you have written your name on the exam
  paper before handing it in.



EX english 數位英語學院