1. What on earth is that? 那到底是什麼意思?/你講的什麼鬼話?
= What the hell is that?
= What in the world is that?
疑問詞 (what、who、where...) 之後可加"the hell"、"on earth"、"in the world"作強調用法, 表『究竟』、『到底』之意,然the hell是比較粗俗的講法, 雖然常可在老美的電視影集及日常會話中聽到, 但是最好儘量避免使用。  
2. Whatever! 隨便你怎麼說! 隨便!  
例:Peggy: Shall we eat out today?
Garth: Whatever!
3. clue n. 線索 (常與介詞to並用) 
例:This fingerprint is the only clue to solving the murder.

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