1. have a word with + 人  和某人談談
例:I wonder why my teacher wants to have a word with my parents.
2. be tired of...  厭煩……, 受夠了……
例:I'm tired of taking so many tests in school.
3. on purpose  故意地, 有意地
例:I didn't step on that old lady's foot on purpose.
4. can do without...  無……亦可以
cannot do without...  無……則不行
本片語中的do是不及物動詞, 表『過得去』之意。
例:In fact, we can do without your help.
Fish cannot do without water.
5. absolutely  adv. 完全地, 絕對地
例:There's absolutely no truth in what he said.
6. By the way, 主詞 + 動詞  哦, 對了,……
例:By the way, when is your son coming home from abroad?
EX english 數位英語學院