
You sigh a deep sigh.  


It seems like you are dreaming a terrible dream.


有些不及物動詞可變成及物動詞, 此時其後以其同系名詞作受詞; 所謂同系名詞乃指其詞源和意義與動詞相同的名詞, 其形態與動詞一樣, 但有時稍有改變。此類用法常見如下:

die ()

dream (作夢)

laugh ()

live (過活)

sigh (嘆氣)

sleep (睡覺)

smile (微笑)

→ death ()

→ dream ()

→ laugh ()

→ life (生活)

→ sigh (嘆氣)

→ sleep (睡眠)

→ smile (微笑)

dream作不及物動詞時, 與介詞of並用。


: The victims of the plane crash died a terrible death.


 I dreamed of my deceased grandfather last night.


deceased a. () , 已故的

 After going out with my girlfriend, I always dream a sweet dream of her at night.


 The fat man laughed a hearty laugh when his friend called him Mr. Slim.


slim a. 瘦的, 苗條的

 I live in Hong Kong but work in Kowloon.


 Though I am not rich, I live a comfortable and happy life.


 After the picnic, the child slept a really sound sleep.


EX english 數位英語學院