As I tried to turn my head, I heard my neck crack.
當我想要轉頭時, 便聽到自己的脖子發出啪啪的聲音。
I was so scared that I could feel my legs trembling.
Just then, I felt myself slapped by someone.
就在那時, 我感覺到自己被人拍了一下。
I opened my eyes and saw my teacher standing over me with an angry look in his face.
上列各句中, 及物動詞heard (聽)、feel (感覺)、felt (感覺) 及saw (看) 接了受詞後, 分別用原形動詞crack、現在分詞trembling、過去分詞slapped及現在分詞standing作受詞補語。
表『看』、『聽』、『感覺』三類知覺動詞接了受詞後, 可用原形動詞作受詞補語, 表已發生的事實; 或用現在分詞作受詞補語, 表進行的狀態; 亦可用過去分詞作受詞補語, 表被動的概念。常見的知覺動詞如下:
看: see、watch、look at (注視)。
聽: hear、listen to。
感覺: feel。
a. 以原形動詞作受詞補語:
例: I cannot bear to see women cry.
We heard the guests arrive.
The pregnant woman felt the baby move.
b. 以現在分詞作受詞補語:
例: Mary watched her boyfriend leaving.
I think I heard someone crying for help.
I felt my heart beating very fast.
c. 以過去分詞作受詞補語:
例: I saw a man hit by a car on my way to school this morning.
I heard the child scolded by his father.
I felt my hair pulled by someone from behind.
(我感到頭髮被人從後面扯了一下。) |