1. fast-food  n. & a. 速食(的)
2. generally adv. 普遍地, 廣泛地
例:Generally speaking, women are more meticulous than men.
*meticulous   a. 過分細心的, 小心翼翼的
3. accept  vt. 接受
例:I can't accept your expensive gift, I'm afraid.
4. junk food  垃圾食物
junk  n. 無用的廢物 (集合名詞, 不可數)
例:Eating too much junk food isn't good for you.
Let's get rid of all this junk in our room.
5. healthful   a. 有益健康的
healthy  a. 健康的
healthy本意是『健康的』, 但在現代美語中, 常與healthful的用法相同, 亦可表『有益健康的』。
例:Jogging is healthful exercise.
Grandma is old but healthy.
6. fast-food restaurant  速食餐館
restaurant  n. 餐館
例:The food at fast-food restaurants isn't very healthful.
7. pop up  突然出現, 冒出來
pop   vi. 彈(出), 跳(出)
例:Buildings are popping up all over the suburbs.
8. all over the world  全世界
=around the world
=the world over
例:This TV program can be seen all over the world.
9. in a rush  匆忙地
=in a hurry
=in haste (不可置於be動詞之後)
in a rush/a hurry/haste均可作副詞用, 修飾動詞, 但前兩者亦可置於be動詞後作主詞補語, 而in haste則不可。因此本文中:
These restaurants are for people who are always in a rush.
=These restaurants are for people who are always in a hurry.
These restaurants are for people who are always in haste. (╳)
例:He finished his breakfast in a rush and went directly to the airport.
=He finished his breakfast in a hurry...
=He finished his breakfast in haste...
10. regular  a. 正常的, 一般的
例:The movie star doesn't live a regular life.
11. meal  n. 餐
例:The poor man can only afford one meal a day.
12. race   vi. 疾行, 跑 & vt. 與……賽跑 & n. 賽跑; 比賽
例:Let's race to the school.
I'll race you to the end of this street.
The gray horse won the race.
13. the McDonald's  n. 麥當勞 (美國最大的漢堡連鎖店)
*the McDonald's之後省略了Fast-Food Restaurant。
14. satisfy  vt. 使滿意, 使滿足
satisfied  a. 感到滿意的
satisfying   a. 使人有飽足感的
satisfactory   a. 令人滿意的
be satisfied with...  對……感到滿意
例:I asked the question just to satisfy my curiosity.
*curiosity  n. 好奇心
The workers aren't satisfied with their pay.
We had a satisfying meal at the Italian restaurant.
My son's schoolwork is quite satisfactory.
*schoolwork  n. 學業, 課業 (不可數)
15. hunger n. 飢餓 & vi. 渴望, 極想 (與介詞for並用)
hungry   a. 飢餓的
例:The beggar almost died of hunger.
*beggar n. 乞丐
The prisoner hungers for freedom.
The hungry boy ate six bowls of beef noodles.
16. immediately  adv. 立刻, 馬上
例:Can you come over immediately? I need your help.
17. order  vt. 點 (菜)
例:The hosts ordered too much food for their guests.
18. burger n. 漢堡
19. fries   n. 炸薯條
=French fries  
20. polite  a. 有禮貌的
例:It never hurts to be polite.
21 efficient a. 有效率的
例:We need efficient workers.
22. after all  畢竟; 終究
例:You can't ask John to do it. After, he is only ten.
23. 本文:
..., in America do as the Americans do.
……, 在美國就應該跟著美國佬那樣做。
本句乃由諺語"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." (在羅馬時, 言行舉止要和羅馬人一樣。喻: 入境隨俗。)衍生而來。

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