

Though it is generally accepted that junk food is not healthful, American fast-food restaurants are popping up all over the world.

雖然大家都普遍接受垃圾食物並無益於健康, 但是美式速食餐館卻如雨後春筍般在世界各地流行起來。

Because Americans like things done immediately, they often order their food quickly at fast-food restaurants.

因為美國人做事喜歡快刀斬亂麻, 所以他們在速食店裡點餐通常也很迅速。

Though it's not polite, it's efficient.

這種說法雖然並不禮貌, 卻很有效率。



though(雖然) 亦可用although代替, 為副詞連接詞, 引導副詞子句, 修飾句中主要子句。我們因受中文『雖然……但是……』的影響, 而常將英文說成"Though (Although)...but..."的錯誤句構, 因為英文的文法中規定兩句之間的連接詞只能有一個, though (although)but均為連接詞, 如此一來, 形成錯誤的雙重連接句子結構。故我們若用though (although), but應予省略; 若用but, though (although) 就應省略。

: Though he is rich, but he is not happy.   ()

 →Though he is rich, he is not happy. ()

 = He is rich, but he is not happy.


 Although she was sick, but she still went to school. ()

 →Although she was sick, she still went to school. ()

 = She was sick, but she still went to school.


 →Even though it will probably rain tomorrow, but we will go fishing as scheduled. ()

 →Even though it will probably rain tomorrow, we will go fishing as scheduled. ()



"Because...so..." (因為……所以……) 亦是錯誤的雙重連接句構, 因為becauseso都是連接詞, 故用because, 就不能再用so; 而用so, 則不可再用because

: Because he was once bitten by a dog, so he is now afraid of dogs. ()

 →Because he was once bitten by a dog, he is now afraid of dogs. ()

 = He was once bitten by a dog, so he is now afraid of dogs.


 根據上述說明, 可知本文三句亦可寫成:


It is generally accepted that junk food is not healthful, but American fast-food restaurants are popping up all over the world.

Americans like things done immediately, so they often order their food quickly at fast-food restaurants.

It's not polite, but it's efficient.

EX english 數位英語學院