1. cashier   n. 櫃台收銀員
例:The cashier handles money very carefully.
2. customer n. 顧客
例:I don't believe that a customer is always right.
3. Save it.  不必客套了/省省吧。
save   vt. 節省
例:A: You're looking really pretty today, Sara.
B: Save it.
It's wise to save money for a rainy day.
4. 本文:
Would you care for a drink or anything else?
=Would you like a drink or anything else?
5. mention vt. 提及, 說到
例:When you spoke to the boss, did he mention me?
6. dessert n. 餐後甜點
例:There are lots of desserts at the buffet.
*buffet   n. 自助餐
Tom ordered an apple pie for dessert.
7. milkshake n. 奶昔
8. familiar  a. 熟悉的
人 + be familiar with + 事物  某人熟悉某事物
=事物 + be familiar to + 人
例:I'm still not familiar with the roads around my new apartment.
Is this name familiar to you?
9. Michael Jordan  麥可•喬登 (曾為美國職籃(NBA) 芝加哥公牛隊的當家後衛, 有『空中飛人』之稱, 為獲得最有價值球員 (MVP) 次數最多的一位)
10. How does it feel to + 原形動詞?  ……感覺如何呢?
例:How does it feel to be elected class leader?
11. I've had enough.  我受夠了。
例:A: Why don't you try to make up with your ex-girlfriend?
B: I've had enough.

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