1. snore  vi. 打鼾
snorer  n. 打鼾者
例:When Dad snores, even the neighbors can't sleep.
It's awful to go camping with a snorer.
2. fall asleep  入睡
例:If you can't fall asleep, try drinking a glass of milk before you go to bed.
* 本片語中, fall是不完全不及物動詞, 相當於become (變成)之意, asleep 則為形容詞, 表『睡著的』。
3. separate a. 分開的, 個別的 & vt. 分開, 區別
separate A from B  隔開A與B
例:It would be foolish to try to separate a dog from its bone.
4. hit the sack  就寢, 睡覺
=go to bed
=go to sleep
=turn in
*sack  n. 原指『麻袋』, 美式俚語中則指『床』, hit the sack則表『睡覺』。
例:Everyone hits the sack at 10 p.m. at the school dormitory.
*dormitory  n. 宿舍
5. nuisance  n. 討厭的人或事物
例:Traffic jams are a real nuisance.
*traffic jam  n. 交通阻塞
6. alcohol  n. 酒精 (本文指酒)
例:In some countries, it's against the law to sell alcohol to people under the age of eighteen.
7. bedtime n. 上床睡覺時間
例:Mom never lets me watch TV past my bedtime.
8. position  n. 姿勢
例:Some people stand in strange positions when being photographed.
*photograph   vt. 照像, 攝影
9. alternative n. 選擇
have no alternative but to + 原形動詞  除了……外別無選擇 choice
例:I have no alternative but to sue you.
*sue  vt. 控告
10. ear plugs  耳塞 (人有兩個耳朵, 故用複數形)
plug  n. 塞子
例:It's so noisy at the factory that the workers wear ear plugs when they are at work.
11. it's one's turn to + 原形動詞  輪到某人……
turn n. 輪流, 輪班
例:It's Dad's turn to do the dishes today.

EX english 數位英語學院