本課介紹"millions of + 複數名詞" (數以百萬計的……) "have trouble + 動名詞" (做……有困難/麻煩) 的用法, 並介紹關係代名詞的種類及其用法。

Millions of families have trouble falling asleep.


a. millions of + 複數名詞  數以百萬計的……

 hundreds of + 複數名詞  數以百計的……

 thousands of + 複數名詞  數以千計的……

 tens of thousands of + 複數名詞 (係從ten thousand『一萬』變化而成)  數以萬計的……

 hundreds of thousands of + 複數名詞 (係從one hundred thousand『十萬』變化而成)


 tens of millions of + 複數名詞 (係從ten million『千萬』變化而成)


 *上列片語中的複數名詞前不可置定冠詞the或所有格my, his, her...等。

: Thousands of the fans were at the airport to welcome the soccer team. ()

 →Thousands of fans were at the airport to welcome the soccer team. ()


 This new sports car costs tens of thousands of US dollars.




hundred, thousand, million作形容詞時, 之前可置數字, hundred, thousand, million後不可加-s, 其後直接置名詞。

: Two hundreds people applied for the job. ()

 →Two hundred people applied for the job. ()


 About six million Jews died in World War II.


b. have




a hard time

+ 動名詞  做/在……(方面) 有困難/麻煩



a good time


  + 動名詞  ……(玩得) 很愉快



在上述用法中, have trouble/difficulty/problems/a hard time/a good time/fun之後理論上有一介詞in, 故其後須接動名詞作其受詞, 而不可接不定詞 (to + 原形動詞), 但實際使用時, in一律不可寫出, 而直接接動名詞。

: Bob has trouble to understand his teacher's English. ()

 →Bob has trouble understanding his teacher's English. ()


  Mr. Chen has problems to make ends meet. ()

 →Mr. Chen has problems making ends meet.()


 I always have a good time to visit my old friends. ()

 →I always have a good time visiting my old friends. ()



There's someone in the family who has a snoring problem.


Drinking alcohol near bedtime is something which also causes snoring.


Changing the position in which the snorer sleeps also helps.


上列句中的whowhich所引導的子句稱為形容詞子句, 各修飾之前的名詞someonesomethingpositionwhowhich稱作關係代名詞。


關係代名詞具有連接詞的功能, 用以引導形容詞子句, 修飾之前的名詞。關係代名詞共有whowhomwhich三種, 茲分項說明如下:


a. 修飾人用whowhom:

: He is the person who can solve the problem.



 *who引導的形容詞子句修飾其前的名詞the person

 He is a man whom I enjoy working with.



 *whom引導的形容詞子句修飾其前的名詞a man


b. 修飾事物用which:

: No one will buy a book which is poorly written.



 *which引導的形容詞子句修飾其前的名詞a book

 I have found the watch which you lost yesterday.



 *which引導的形容詞子句修飾其前的名詞the watch


使用關係代名詞時, 要注意下列要點:


a. 關係代名詞前一定要有先行詞 (名詞)


b. 關係代名詞在其引導的形容詞子句中要作主詞或受詞。


c. 否則關係代名詞前一定要有介詞, 而該介詞通常可移至句尾, 此時可省略關係代名詞。

 *由於who是主格, 故在形容詞子句中要作主詞, whom是受格,

 在形容詞子句中只能作受詞; which在其引導的形容詞子句中則可作主詞或受詞。

: Never trust people who break their promises easily.



 He is a man whom you can trust.



 He is a man whom I enjoy working. ()

 *在本例的形容詞子句"whom I enjoy working", 已有主詞I, working乃不及物動詞變成的動名詞, whom無法作其受詞, 此時關係代名詞之前應置介詞。

 →He is a man with whom I enjoy working. ()

 = He is a man (whom) I enjoy working with.


 或: He is a man for whom I enjoy working. ()

 = He is a man (whom) I enjoy working for.


 He has a watch which was made in Switzerland.



 This is a problem which we should notice.



 The apartment which I live is very small. ()

 *在本例的形容詞子句"which I live", 已有主詞I, live是不及物動詞, which無法作其受詞, 此時which之前就應有介詞。

 →The apartment in which I live is very small. ()

 = The apartment (which) I live in is very small.




a. 限定修飾

普通名詞若不具特殊性, 而欲加強其特殊性時, 可用形容詞子句加以修飾, 但形容詞子句之前不得置逗點。翻譯時, 先譯形容詞子句 (譯成『……的』), 再譯被修飾的名詞。

: I like the student who studies hard.



 I know a college which is famous for its excellent facilities.




b. 非限定修飾

專有名詞 (: PeterBillTaipei) 及獨一性名詞, : father (爸爸只有一個)mother (媽媽只有一個), 之後若接關係代名詞引導的形容詞子句時, 該關係代名詞之前一定要置逗點, 此時該形容詞子句就稱為非限定修飾語。換言之, 專有名詞或獨一性名詞本身就具有特殊性, 不必再用形容詞子句加以限定。

: I met Nancy, who is an old friend of mine.

   專有名詞      非限定修飾


 She has just come back from New York, which is a very


 big city in the States.



 That is my only son, who is attending senior high school.

              獨一性名詞          非限定修飾



c. 但若一般名詞前已有形容詞加以修飾而具有特殊性, : a good person (好人)a great man (偉人) , 或該名詞本身就具有特殊性, : gentleman (紳士, 君子)rascal(流氓), 則該名詞之後的形容詞子句可用非限定修飾 (即在關係代名詞前置逗點), 以減低該子句的重要性; 但亦可採限定修飾 (即關係代名詞前不置逗點), 以更增加被修飾的名詞之特殊性。

: He is a good student, who studies hard.──非限定修飾


 或: He is a good student who studies hard.──限定修飾


 He is a gentleman, who always keeps his promises.──非限定修飾


 或: He is a gentleman who always keeps his promises.──限定修飾



that亦可用來當作關係代名詞, 取代whowhomwhich, 但使用時有兩個條件:


a. that之前不可有逗點, 換言之, that僅出現在限定修飾的形容詞子句中。


b. that之前亦不可有介詞。

: I like Tom, that studies hard. ()

 I like Tom, who studies hard. ()


 I like the girl who is standing over there.

 = I like the girl that is standing over there.


 He is a man whom we all respect.

 = He is a man that we all respect.


 This is the car which he bought yesterday.

 = This is the car that he bought yesterday.


 He is the man with that I enjoy working. ()

 →He is the man with whom I enjoy working. ()



which亦可用來代替前面整個句子, 此時which之前一定要置逗點。

: He is a hardworking student, which everyone knows.



作受格的whomwhich (that) 在限定修飾的句構中可予以省略。

: That is the man whom ( that) I met yesterday.

 = That is the man I met yesterday.


 I like the movie which (that) we went to last night.

 = I like the movie we went to last night.



在限定修飾的形容詞子句中, 若子句句首介詞時, 之後的關係代名詞不可省略, 但介詞亦可移至句尾, 此時可省略該關係代名詞。

: This is the apartment in which I live.

  = This is the apartment which I live in.

  = This is the apartment I live in.


 Tom is a nice man with whom I enjoy working.

  = Tom is a nice man whom I enjoy working with.

  = Tom is a nice man I enjoy working with.


EX english 數位英語學院