Think before You Speak
Sometimes we say things without thinking. Very often a thoughtless remark may hurt others' feelings or cause a misunderstanding or an embarrassment . We must, therefore, always think before we speak . ...
有時候我們說話沒有經過思考。一段欠缺考慮的話往往會傷害到別人的感情,或造成誤會甚至尷尬的情況。因此,我們說話前必須先思考 。
Once I told an old friend how beautiful his girlfriend looked when I saw them together at a movie theater the other day. Unfortunately, I made a mistake. It happened that she wasn't with my friend. She was with someone else. I had let the cat out of the bag , so to speak . I'd never been so embarrassed in my life. I certainly learned my lesson, but at a very high price. His girlfriend never spoke to me again! And to make matters worse , it is rumor ed that they eventually broke up . ...
有一次我告訴一位老朋友我前幾天在電影院看到他們在一塊兒,而他女朋友看起來美極了。很不幸地,我弄錯了。恰巧她不是跟我朋友在一起;她是跟別人。我可以說是無意中洩漏了祕密。我這一輩子從來沒有那麼尷尬過。我的確學到了教訓,但是付出了很大的代價。他的女朋友再也沒有跟我講過話!更糟的是,謠傳他們最終分手了 。

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