Traveling by Plane
Traveling by plane is exciting , but it can also be very tiring . There are so many things to be done. You have to pay the airport tax , check in your bags and then get to the departure gate. So it's best to arrive at the airport at least two hours before your plane is scheduled to take off . ...
搭乘飛機旅行很刺激,但也可能很累人,因為有一大堆事情要辦。你得付機場稅、辦理行李登機,然後前往登機門。因此,你最好在你的班機預定起飛前兩個小時到達機場 。
When you check in , the attendant will ask you to show her your passport , ticket and airport-tax receipt . After you have done that, she will weigh your luggage . If it's overweight , you'll have to pay an extra fee . Then she will give you your boarding pass . On your way to the gate, don't pass up the chance to buy something at the duty-free shop. Things are a lot cheaper there . The key is to give yourself plenty of time and everything should run as smooth as clockwork . ...
辦理登機手續時,櫃台服務人員會要求你出示護照、機票和機場稅收據。辦完這之後,她會將你的行李秤重過磅。如果超重的話,你就必須額外付費。然後,她會把登機證交給你。在你往登機門的途中,別錯過了在免稅商店買東西的機會,那裡賣的東西比外面便宜多了。其中的要訣是給自己充分的時間,那麼事事都會非常順利 。

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