1. die of... 因……而死去
die vi. 死亡
例:Steve's grandmother died of old age.
2. lung cancer n. 肺癌
3. smoke vi. & vt. 抽煙 
例:You can't smoke in an elevator.
My father smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.
4. try + 動名詞 嚐試……
try vt. 嚐試
例:If you want to lose weight, you should try exercising.
5. quit vi. & vt. 停止
例:Studying music is not easy, but don't quit.
The doctor told Jim to quit drinking coffee.
6. whenever conj. 無論何時, 每當
例:I feel sad whenever I read a love story.
7. resist vt. 抗拒
例:If you are on a diet, you have to resist eating fatty foods.
8. light up 點火 (不及物動詞片語)
例:You can't light up here; smoking isn't allowed.
9. in the end 最後
例:It looked like our team was going to lose the game, but in the end we won.
10. give up + 動名詞 放棄……
例:John gave up studying French because it was too difficult for him.
11. It is no use + 動名詞 ……是沒有用的 
例:It's no use talking to her; she's not going to listen.
12. enjoy vt. 喜歡
例:My brother enjoys riding horses, but I'm afraid of them.
13. certainly adv. 必然地, 當然地
例:I certainly enjoyed the concert last night.
14. pay a heavy price 付出慘重/很大的代價
pay vt. 付
動詞三態: pay、paid、paid。
heavy a. 沈重的
price n. 代價

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