1. |
society n. 社會 |
*使用該字時, 通常不與冠詞並用。
例:Killer Carl is a danger to society.
(殺手卡爾對社會是一種危害。) |
2. |
change vi. 改變 |
例:May really changed. She used to be ugly; now she's beautiful.
(梅真的變了。她以前很醜,但現在她很美。) |
3. |
rapidly adv. 迅速地 |
例:Our society is changing rapidly.
(我們的社會正在快速地變化。) |
4. |
suffer from... 遭受…… |
suffer vi. 遭受, 患 (病)
例:My dad suffers from high blood pressure.
(我爸爸患有高血壓。) |
5. |
stress n. 壓力, 緊張 |
stressed a. 緊張的, 有壓力的
be stressed out 飽受壓力
例:Paul's new job gives him a lot of stress.
Jack is stressed out because he has too much work.
(傑克因為工作太多而飽受壓力。) |
6. |
nervous a. 緊張的 |
7. |
angry a. 生氣的 |
8. |
ill a. 生病的 |
9. |
deal with... 應付……, 處理…… |
deal vi. 處理
例:I don't know how that mother deals with so many children.
(我不知道那位母親是如何應付這麼多孩子的。) |
10. |
regular a. 規律的 |
例:It is important to have regular meals.
(規律的飲食是很重要的。) |
11. |
exercise n. 運動(不可數) |
do exercise 從事運動 (美式用法)
take exercise 從事運動 (英式用法)
例:Fred does exercise at six o'clock every morning.
(佛雷德每天早上六點鐘都從事運動。) |
12. |
a sense of humor 幽默感 |
humor n. 幽默
例:People who have a sense of humor are very popular.
(有幽默感的人很受歡迎。) |