1. computer n. 電腦
2. a part of... ……的一部分
part n. 部分
例:We should all make exercise a part of our lives.
3. everyday a. 每天的; 日常的
b.every day分開寫時作副詞, 表『每天』, 通常置於句首或句尾使用。
例:This textbook was written for everyday use.
I read the newspaper every day.
4. company n. 公司
5. replace vt. 取代
replace A with B  用B取代A
例:In modern cities, buses are being replaced with subways.
6. telephone company 電話公司
7. be no exception 不例外 
exception n. 例外
例:Everyone should help clean this room and you are no exception.
8. make a long-distance call 打長途電話
make a call  打電話
long-distance a. 長途的
例:I made a call to my brother last night.
9. pay phone 投幣電話
10. operator n. 接線員, 總機
11. instead adv. 相反地; 代替
a.使用該字時, 通常將其置於句首, 其後置逗點, 再接主詞和動詞。
b.instead與介詞of並用時, 形成instead of + 名詞/動名詞的介詞片語, 表示『非但不……反而……』之意。
例:I didn't go to the library. Instead, I stayed home and studied.
Instead of driving to work, I take the bus.
12. wonder n. 驚奇 
No wonder + 主詞 + 動詞  難怪……
上列片語由It is no wonder+that引導的名詞子句 簡化而來, 實際應用時, 則以上列片語為主。
例:Carl is very fat. No wonder he doesn't like to run.
13. take over... 接管……, 接收……
例:The three brothers took over their father's business after he passed away.

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