文法解析 |
1. |
Some people eat to live, but there are others who live to eat.
有些人吃東西為的是要生存, 但也有些人生存為的是要吃東西。 |
*上列句中的劃線部份to live及to eat皆為不定詞片語 (即『虛詞to + 原形動詞』所形成的片語), 在句中皆作副詞, 分別修飾之前的動詞eat及live。 |
2. |
不定詞片語作副詞時, 可置於句首或句尾, 用以表示目的, 相當於中文的『為了要……』。該片語置於句首時, 片語之後應置逗點; 但該片語置於句尾時, 之前則不可置逗點。
a. 置於句首:
例: To catch the train John got up early. (╳)
→To catch the train, John got up early. (○)
(為了趕火車, 約翰很早就起床。)
b. 置於句尾:
例: John got up early, to catch the train. (╳)
→John got up early to catch the train. (○)
3. |
表示目的的不定詞片語亦可用下列片語取代: |
to + 原形動詞 為了要……
=in order to + 原形動詞
=so as to + 原形動詞
例: He got up early to catch the train.
= He got up early in order to catch the train.
= He got up early so as to catch the train.
一如不定詞片語, in order to所引導的片語亦可置於句首, 之後置逗點。但so as to引導的片語則通常只置於句尾, 而不置於句首。故上列各句可改寫如下:
To catch the train, he got up early.
= In order to catch the train, he got up early.
= So as to catch the train, he got up early. (罕)
4. |
To live a long and healthy life, we must learn to have a balanced diet.
=We must learn to have a balanced diet to live a long and healthy life.
為了要過著長壽而又健康的生活, 我們必須懂得吃均衡的飲食。 |
live a...life 過著……的生活
=lead a...life
live可作不及物動詞, 作『居住』解, 之後接表示場所的介詞片語或副詞 (如there、here)。
例: They live the city. (╳)
→They live in the city. (○)
He used to live there. (○)
但live亦可作及物動詞, 表示『過 (某種) 生活』的意思, 此時, 只能用life (生活)作其受詞。
例: They lived a happy life.
= They led a happy life.
(他們過著快樂的生活。) |