By Taxi
One of the most convenient ways to get around a city is by taxi. However, it is also the most expensive way. In some cases, tipping is expected, too.
到城市走走最便捷的方法之一是乘坐計程車。不過,那也是最昂貴的方法。有時候還需要給小費 。
On the other hand, a taxi driver knows the city like the back of his hand. He can quickly take you to any place you want to visit. The taxi ride might be expensive, but it's time-saving.
就另一方面來說,計程車司機對城市瞭如指掌。他可以帶你到任何你想走訪的地方。乘坐計程車或許貴了些, 可是它倒蠻省時的。

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