1. ask + (人) + for + 事物 (向某人) 詢問/要求某事物
例:Ask your father for advice. He'll know what to do.
2. direction n. 方向, 指示
give directions  指路, 告訴如何走法
例:Can you give me directions to the train station, please?
3. unfamiliar a. 不熟悉的
familiar a. 熟悉的
be familiar with...  對……很熟悉
例:I am not familiar with how to use a computer.
4. frightening a. 嚇人的
5. address n. 住址, 地址 
6. look for... 尋找……  
例:Ralph is looking for his house keys.
7. be like looking for a needle in a haystack 如大海撈針
needle n. 針
haystack n. 大乾草堆
例:Trying to find a pencil in this messy room is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
8. get angry 生氣
= get mad
get angry with + 人   氣 某人
get angry at + 事物        氣 某事物
例:Carl got angry with his son because he skipped history class.
Ted got angry at his motorcycle because it wouldn't start.
9. usually adv. 通常
10. follow vt. 聽得懂; 跟隨
例:There is a strange man following us.
11. you'd better... 你最好……
= you had better...
had better + 原形動詞  最好……
*使用此片語時, 若以代名詞作主詞時, 經常使用縮寫形, 如you'd better (你最好)、I'd better (我最好)、he'd better (他最好)……等。
例:Your sister is sad because you called her stupid. You'd better apologize to her.
*apologize vi. 道歉
12. draw vt.
動詞三態: draw、drew、drawn。
例:John drew a picture of a rose and gave it to his girlfriend.
13. route n. 路線 
例:What's the best route to take to get to Taichung ?
14. map n. 地圖
15. ...as you're listening to the directions. 當你在聽方向指示時,……
= ...when you're listening to the directions.
a.as表示『當』時, 即等於when。
b.as亦可表示『因為』, 即等於because。
例:Don't get nervous as you're taking the test.
Don't yell at Fred as it was not his fault.
(別對佛瑞德吼叫, 因為那不是他的錯。)

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